From The Editor |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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From The Editor

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HISTORY books are fascinating.

They offer an insight into times long gone. But history is not just about nostalgia and reminiscence. History is studied carefully because there are lessons to learn from those who have gone before. Their insights (and mistakes) can be helpful in shaping the future.

As we sit on the brink of summer, there is a sense of change and crisis in the air for the world.

The Church itself is going through change, perhaps at a faster rate than ever before, but with this change comes opportunity to reform for a world dwelling once again in a time of uncertainty.

For me this year has felt like a step back in time to the energy crises of the early 1970s – an uncertain, difficult time, with financial uncertainty a regular threat for many amid a changing political and economic climate. Equally on a global political front, the Cold War was at its peak and the threat of nuclear war was a constant backdrop.

For generations before, there were similar experiences in living through two World Wars, where the world was uncertain and austere, but again times changed.

God’s world has constantly ebbed and flowed – and the history books confirm this.

The Bible also shows us times when the world was at peace and calm but also shows other times of uncertainty and danger.

Although the season is changing to a warmer one, we cannot be sure what is ahead of us in the months and years to come – but what we do have is hope.

By the time this magazine reaches you, the General Assembly will be over for another year. Decisions will be made.

“God’s world has constantly ebbed and flowed – and the history books confirm this. The Bible also shows us times when the world was at peace and calm but also shows other times of uncertainty and danger.

They may be difficult to implement, but they have been made by the people of the Church striving to do their best against a moving backdrop, seeking to find the best solutions with God at the heart of all deliberations.

As the summer offers time to pause and recharge batteries, a look back to the history books – even of the very recent past of the last two years – shows the resilience and adaptability of people – and the people of our Church are no different.

Working on positive mindsets – and consistent prayer to discern the way ahead – will help not just the people of the Church of Scotland, but the wider world to find peace in the days, months and years ahead in the ebb and flow which creates the best (and worst) of times.

This article appears in the June 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the June 2022 Issue of Life and Work