Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


A special service was held in Oban Parish Church on March 27, 200 years to the day since the first sermon in a place of worship on the site was preached by the Rev Alexander Beith.

The service was conducted by the Rev Margaret Miller, minister of Kilmore and Oban Parish Church, and the sermon was preached by the Rev Janet MacKellar, Moderator of the Presbytery of Argyll.

The music by Ken Moncrieff on the organ and Helen Jordon on violin included a tune composed by the Rev Patrick MacDonald, minister of Kilmore and Kilbride in the 18th century. Faithshare, the church’s family group, waved hand cut outs commemorating the late Rev John MacLeod, minister or Kilmore and Kilbride:

Oban from 1967 to 1983, who co-wrote the song Give Me Your Hand.

Following the service, the congregation was surprised to hear from Richard Beith, great, great grandson of the Rev Alexander Beith, who showed them a framed portrait and carved casket containing a scroll presented to Alexander on his departure from Oban.

This article appears in the June 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the June 2022 Issue of Life and Work