Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


Over 150 Church of Scotland elders from across the country attended “Recharging the Eldership”, an all-day conference held in Glasgow in March.

The conference was organised by Robert Hynd, Moderator of the Presbytery of Glasgow and himself an elder. The guest speakers included the Moderator of the General Assembly, Lord Wallace of Tankerness, and Dave Kendall, Chief Officer of the Church, both of whom are elders; as well as ministers and elders from all parts of Scotland.

Robert Hynd said: “It was really encouraging to see so many elders from Glasgow and from further afield coming together to consider matters that are of real importance to the Church. With our Church facing a future in which there will be fewer ministers, it is surely more important than ever that we recognise the contributions which elders can make.

“At a time when the Moderator of the General Assembly and of the Church’s largest Presbytery are both elders, it feels like the perfect moment to look at how we can develop and recharge the eldership so that it can best serve the Church going forward in the 21st century.”

This article appears in the May 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the May 2022 Issue of Life and Work