Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

1 mins


How long, O Lord? Nations are in uproar Quaking, surging, writhing, crying How long must it be like this?

Look upon this world, Lord, and see how it suffers Famine in the east War in the west Plague from north to south Fear, insecurity, injustice, poverty Broken nations, broken communities Broken bodies, broken minds

How long, O Lord? How long shall we persist in turmoil? O, that you would come and utter:

‘Be still and know that I am God’ Deliver the panicking peoples from fear Silence the blows and bluster of tyrants Still the tempers of raging rulers Break the bow and shatter the spear

Nourish millions with bread and shelter Give welcome eternal to the wandering refugee Be to us who come to you An unyielding fortress A certain refuge An unfailing strength

‘See, I am doing a new thing’ What is it, Lord? Grant us a glimpse; help us perceive it! Hold us fast through the storm before new shores Whisper to us through creation’s groaning birth pains Into the joy of experiencing all that you will bring to life

Let us proclaim your praise all our days Be they many or few Let them be all for you May the life of God be more than enough For life and death in these days And may your resurrection power, Lord Jesus Be our one true hope forever. Amen.

Photo: iStock

This article appears in the May 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the May 2022 Issue of Life and Work