From The Editor |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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From The Editor

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JUST over 2000 years ago a group of friends committed to a cause found their dreams shattered – and their worlds turned upside down.

Inspired by their leader, they had given up secure work and stability and followed a simple call to ‘follow me’.

And they did, watching as he performed miracle after miracle – healing the sick, turning water into wine and feeding the hungry (amongst many other things).

They also watched as he gained enemies, campaigning for the poor and oppressed and speaking truth to power. His actions created a huge and popular (but fickle) following and created enemies among those in authority.

The friends offered counsel to their celebrity leader, fearful for his safety. However, he knew his purpose – but could not share this with his closest friends.

Betrayed by one of those friends, he found himself now at the mercy of the crowd which only days before had welcomed him, but now turned on him and he was left to die on the Cross.

His desolate friends were shattered. Their hopes for a new King to show a path of equality and righteousness had died. They had made many sacrifices and given up much to follow him.

Their loss would have been not just of their unique friend and leader, but their entire belief that he was the Son of God made flesh. Adding to their desolation would have been the loss of their cause and reason for living.

Many months and years of work disappeared on that dark Friday.

Their desolation – including the loss of the friend who betrayed him to the authorities – would have prevailed the next day. The entire foundation of their work, lives and friendships was gone as their friend’s broken body was entombed in a cave.

“As the Easter story is retold this month, may those facing the desolation of loss and grief amid transformative and overwhelming change be inspired by the Resurrection moment which empowered the friends of Jesus to begin a new life with fresh purpose reflecting the life of the Son of God.

Yet on that Sunday, as the light rose and the first visitors of the day to the tomb discovered the grave opened and the body gone – and the natural order of the known world overturned by the restoration of Jesus to life through the Resurrection, their purpose and resolve was restored and renewed with fresh vigour.

As the Easter story is retold this month, may those facing the desolation of loss and grief amid transformative and overwhelming change be inspired by the resurrection moment which empowered the friends of Jesus to begin a new life with fresh purpose – reflecting the life of the Son of God. ¤

This article appears in the April 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the April 2022 Issue of Life and Work