Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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The third in a series of features which will offer updates from the Faith Action Programme.

Rev Dr Scott JS Shackleton

Head: Faith Action Staff – Ministries & Mission Support

Hi Everyone, I hope readers of Life and Work are enjoying the monthly updates from the Faith Action Forums (Nurture & Impact) and the staff team. March is a time when we start to look forward to the breaking in of spring and the Easter season. Green shoots of new life emerge as the weather changes and we start to re-imagine warmer times. Hope springs forth just like the clocks. The Faith Action Programme is about hope, above all things. It is a way of repurposing ourselves together as a Church around what matters most to us as Christians. This time of reform is indeed, one of renewal and post-Easter hope. Blessings!

Rev Rosie Frew

Convener Faith Nurture Forum

Where we are – Let’s be honest, we’re going through difficult and unsettling times of change. We have the challenge of Presbytery restructuring and Presbytery Mission Planning, alongside two years of Covid restrictions and a constant rethinking of Church life and worship. Many are tired and anxious. Hard questions are being asked, and hard decisions are having to be made.

What we dream – Old or young, we all have our dreams and visions for the Church of Jesus Christ and for our local church. A vibrant Church with mission at its heart, welcoming, caring, well resourced, intergenerational, inspirational, relevant, challenging, prophetic….

What we do – The Forums support, resource and enable those in our congregations and in the ministries of the Church, to help them in both the hard decision making and in realising the dreams. It’s a partnership. We’re learning from one another and encouraging one another as we journey together; followers of Jesus Christ.

Following Jesus Together

Kay Cathcart

Education and Training Secretary

Jesus calls each of us to follow him, just like he did those first disciples on the shores of Galilee. He invites us to walk with him and learn from him, and we should expect to be changed by him as we do this.

“ Discipleship happens in homes, churches, coffee shops and car journeys; formally and informally; in good friendships and across generations.”

Jesus’ invitation comes to us individually; we do not need to rely on the faith of another to come to God, we are welcome in his family. It also comes to us collectively, to follow Jesus together. We can help one another, lead one another, learn together, be helped by the faith of another. Discipleship is not a lone activity. We learn, grow and go together.

Discipleship happens in homes, churches, coffee shops and car journeys; formally and informally; in good friendships and across generations. As we share our life and faith with others, we grow.

A suite of discipleship resources has been created to help us with this.

‘Conversations in Discipleship’ leads us through a groupsharing activity, which is ideal for helping us to speak about our faith with one another, especially if that’s something we’ve not done before.

Next, is a light booklet called ‘Exploring Discipleship’. It contains six, short chapters on different characteristics of discipleship, followed by questions for individual reflection, for friends to chat about together, or for group discussions.

Shortly, we will be introducing a small-group programme called ‘Encourager Training’, comprising of twelve sessions that provide inspiring discipleship experiences and practical help to encourage others to grow in their faith. We hope to equip cultures of discipleship in churches and communities by encouraging the sharing of faith in honest and encouraging relationships. Fife presbytery are piloting these materials at the moment.

In terms of how this will move us out of our familiar habits and practices of faith, we might be reticent and reluctant. However, we need not fear. God invites us to take steps of faith towards him and towards others, bringing peace, hope and life to us as we do so. We don’t need to wait until we feel ready or sure of ourselves, we choose to follow Jesus, trusting that he will look after us and those who follow with us. What will our next step be?

To access copies of ‘Conversations in Discipleship’ and ‘Exploring Discipleship’, check out the Church of Scotland website: exploring-discipleship

‘Ascend’ is the Church’s centre for supporting and developing those in the recognised ministries and other key roles. It is regularly updated with resources and articles which will encourage and equip for ministry and mission.

Carol Finlay

Congregational Engagement Team Leader

Twinning visit to Malawi In December 2021

Pictures are often a way in which we can see a snapshot of the Church in action. Who isn’t drawn to an article in Life and Work, or a story on the website when you recognise a place, a person or a moment? If we were asked to capture the essence of the Faith Impact Forum in the last year, we have many images before us. Which would we choose? Some of my favourites include members of the Church, standing up for Climate Justice in the pouring rain and driving wind on the Global Day of Action during the COP26 summit – not just in Glasgow, but throughout the country, outside churches, amongst the community, with banners (sometimes being held sideways in the wind), from Arran to Orkney! This is the Church ‘walking the walk’ and following Jesus.

Then there was the photo from Forfar East and Old of a reunion with a family who had, before lockdown, enjoyed a weekend break with them. The family were seeking a new life in Scotland, supported through the Scottish Faith Action for Refugees (SFAR) Holiday Programme. An offer of hospitality and welcome led to a deeper understanding of the wider global situation and, in turn, to greater engagement in advocating for the rights of migrant human beings worldwide. Welcoming the stranger and following Jesus.

It would be hard to pick just one picture from Innerleithen, Traquair and Walkerburn’s (ITW) twinning visit to Thondwe Congregation (Malawi) in December 2021. In a window of opportunity, Denis Robson, their co-ordinator, managed to travel to Malawi to spend time with people who are now part of the ITW family. Through the power of the internet, they have continued to encourage each other in faith through the difficult, past two years. Behind the sunshine and smiles in the photos, there have been times of great sadness shared. There have also been times of deeper learning of the issues affecting each congregation and community. Every time we engage with the world Church, we are enriched in our faith. Breaking bread with friends and following Jesus.

“If we were asked to capture the essence of the Faith Impact Forum in the last year, we have many images before us. Which would we choose?”

The Forum’s work on behalf of the whole Church is following Jesus by challenging poverty and injustice; along with celebrating the joys of building relationships and our mutual interdependence. The work of the Faith Impact Forum is not carried out by forum members or staff only; every member of the Church who is engaged, prayerfully or actively, in their church, community, country and wider world is a powerful part of the Church’s witness. This is all of us following Jesus.

For our Gaelic readers

Rev Dr Rory MacLeod Minister of Strath and Sleat

“… an tì nach gràdhaich a bhràthair a chunnaic e, cionnas a dh’fhaodas e Dia nach faca ea ghràdhachadh?” 1 Eòin 4.20

Nuair a tha sinn a’ bruidhinn air a bhith a’ leantainn Ìosa, ’s e deisciobalachd a th’ ann air a bheil sinn a’ toirt iomradh. Agus dè tha sin a’ ciallachadh ach a’ creidsinn, a’ dèanamh agus a’ labhairt coltach ri Ìosa? ’S e an dòigh anns a bheil sinn gar giùlan fhìn le càch cnag na cùise an seo. Bheir Ìosa dùbhlan dhuinn,a’ cur nar n-aithne gun taisbean seo ar fìor-fhaireachdainnean a thaobh Dhè, tì as e an Cruthaidhear - agus ar Cruthaidhear-ne cuideachd. Tha e furasta gu leòr a cuideigin coltach rinn fhìn a ghràdhachadh; ach dè mu dheidhinn cuideigin nach eil?

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This article appears in the March 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the March 2022 Issue of Life and Work