Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

1 mins


Motherwell South Parish Church welcomed 24 new church members on Sunday November 28.

The service was a celebration of St Andrew, with the congregation invited to wear tartan. Complying with social distancing rules, the church was packed, with a live stream ensuring that everyone was able to be part of the church family whether at home, or in the overflow seating in the halls.

The 24 new members comprised seven new communicants who joined by profession of faith; and 17 who joined by resolution of the Kirk Session. Minister, the Rev Alan Gibson expressed his gratitude at the way in which so many have come forward to make such an important step.

“Each year we have been blessed with a number of people who join the church and that is something that we continually give thanks to God for. Inevitably we lose people through death or if they move away from the area, but what a delight it is to welcome people to our church family.

“I know that we should not get too caught up in numbers, but in a society that we are constantly hearing is increasingly secular, the fact that 24 people have come to faith, or to renew their faith through membership, is uplifting. Some of our new communicants came to us via the provision of online worship during the lockdown months and they have felt very much welcomed by the congregation.”

David Pearce, who joined the church, said: “My family and I were welcomed by everyone at Motherwell South from the day we walked in. We love it here. There’s a warmth and a real vibrancy about the place.”

This article appears in the February 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the February 2022 Issue of Life and Work