Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


At Craiglockhart Parish Church, Edinburgh, a small group came together because they were concerned about what is happening in the city to put policies in place to help reverse pollution and make the city and surrounding areas a safer and healthier place to live.

With COP26 on the horizon it was felt that the community needed to be made aware that the church was doing its bit by joining Eco-Congregations and ensuring that the church’s carbon footprint is as small as possible.

On October 10 the group took the morning worship to highlight these concerns by sharing the story of the yellow canary. Community members had responded to a request to knit canaries for a display inside and outside the church, highlighting the little birds once used by miners down the coal mines from 1911 to 1986 to warn them of escaping gases. Those passing by the church used the information on the church gates to read more.

Letters were sent to local and national politicians, and on November 1 Joanna Cherry MP visited the church and met with the minister, the Rev Gordon Kennedy and two members of the eco-congregation group.

This article appears in the February 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the February 2022 Issue of Life and Work