Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


Lord of light and night

Fashioner of fire and ice

Sustainer of snow fields

Wind on waters

Mover of mountains

We praise you

Kindler and Comforter

Kindly King of all that lives

All that breathes

All that grows and crawls

All that groans and cries

We worship you

God of giant glaciers

Gifter of grandeur

You call us to love and to cherish

You call us to protect and to care

You call us as custodians of creation

Forgive us

We have created but not always cared

We have built but not always protected

Fractured rock instead of ice

Flooded farms devoid of crops

Forgotten animals gone forever

Forgive us

Grant us wisdom

Grant us ingenuity

That we might repair and recover

That which we have lost

That which gives us life

Creating God

Hear our prayer this day for the sake of your Son The One who cradles the vastness of space in the crook of his arm


This article appears in the January 2020 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the January 2020 Issue of Life and Work