Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Kinross Parish Church near Perth has been named the most successful Traidcraftoutlet in the whole of the UK.

The church has been the number one seller for the Fairtrade company in Scotland for a number of years, selling nearly £20,000 worth of goods annually. They are supported by other churches and retail outlets in the area, who take goods to sell.

Kinross-shire was the first Fairtrade county in Scotland, and the group has helped towards Perth and Kinross becoming the 25th Fairtrade Zone in Scotland, which was achieved during Fairtrade Fortnight in March 2017.

If any church is interested in becoming a Traidcraftoutlet, the Kinross team would be happy to advise. Contact Karina Jarvie at Pictured: some of the Traidcraftteam at Kinross Parish Church


James Forsyth celebrated 50 years as an Elder of the Church on Sunday September 8 in Saltcoats North Parish Church in Ayrshire. He was presented with a certificate from the Moderator of the Church of Scotland and a giftfrom the congregation. Jim is over 90, lives on his own, is still an active Elder and a regular attender.


Springfield Community Church in the parish of Ceres, Kemback and Springfield, Fife was dedicated at a special event on November 1 by the Moderator of the Presbytery of St Andrews, the Rev Allan McCafferty.

The pews have been removed and the totally refurbished building – previously largely unaltered since it was built in 1861 – now features audio-visual, kitchen and toilet facilities, and new heating, lighting and furnishings, with a centre manager. Community activities are already taking place in the building and it is hoped that the village will now join the congregation in taking full advantage of these facilities.


Eleven elders of Blackburn and Seafield Church in West Lothian were honoured for a total of 399 years of service.

Back row: Keith Burnett (33 years), Tom Stockman (30 years) Edward Younger (42 years) Robert Dunlop (40 years) Jim Robertson (41 years), Sam Merry (33 years)

Front Row: John McAloon (33 years), Isobel Henderson (32years), Elma Stockman (43 years), Jean Lumsden (42 years), May Shields (30 years) and the Rev Sandra Boyd.


The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland presented long service certificates to members at Wellesley Parish Church, Methil on Sunday October 6. The recipients included Marjory McHattie, who has been a Sunday School leader for 51 years; as well as Sandy Rattray, who has been in the eldership for 40 years, and Joan Graham, Margaret Smith and Dave Falconer, who have all been elders for 30 years. Pictured from left: the Rt Rev Colin Sinclair, his wife Ruth Sinclair, Dave Falconer, Margaret Smith, Marjory McHattie, Joan Graham, Sandy Rattray, and church minister the Rev Gillian Paterson.


Bellshill Central Parish Church in North Lanarkshire held a big sing in aid of Project Gambia, which supports a range of projects combatting poverty in the country. The congregation sang hymns old and new, and there was entertainment from the choir, and tea and cake afterwards. £245 was raised for the project.

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This article appears in the January 2020 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the January 2020 Issue of Life and Work