Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

22 mins



Written by: Bob Wallington

Published by: SPCK

Price: £9.99

Soul Survivor, which was born out of New Wine gatherings within the Church of England, has offered summer gatherings for thousands of young people since it was established in the 1990s. This year marked their final summer of gatherings and events for young people and those involved with working with young people in churches as the organisation wound down in response to a call from God.

However the wisdom and tips in this book would be helpful to many younger people who gather in any church or Christian group and then wonder what to do after the excitement of the gathering is over.

Written by the youth pastor at Soul Survivor Watford, the chapters are short and aimed in style and content at a teens to twentysomething audience and would also be useful for those engaged in work with this age group. The clear purpose of the book is to help readers develop a ‘stable and steadfast’ faith amid the ups and downs and twists and turn of everyday living. The author is emphatic that putting the tips into action will not offer protection from the ravages of life, particularly in the teenage and twentysomething years, but will help to navigate and learn from them whilst leading to a deepening relationship with Jesus.


Learning From Fresh Expressions of Church Of Scotland

Written by: David McCarthy

Published by: Saint Andrew Press

Price: £16.99

For the last five years, the Church of Scotland has been in a partnership with Fresh Expressions (UK), a movement which seeks to establish a new form of Church primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of the Church.

This book is the story of that journey and includes the experience of a number of churches who have reached out and created their own new expression of a church which reaches out to people, but not necessarily one rooted in Sunday morning worship.

The book, written by the Church of Scotland’s Fresh Expressions Development Work, initially reflects on the background and context of these new expressions of church, offering theological basis, cultural influences and the mission which has driven and shaped their development. Four further sections consider the work of fresh expressions, the lessons learned, the stories of those who actively work within a ‘fresh expression’ of church and a look ahead to see where the Church could journey in future.

It will be of particular interest to congregations encouraged to reach out in new ways within their communities by offering both the experience of those who are already doing so and also offers food for thought for the future. The focus of the work is firmly on Church of Scotland projects which offer outreach into uncharted territory and the names of those projects featured will be familiar to regular Life and Work readers.

Endorsing the book in a foreword the Rev Canon Phil Potter, the leader of the UK wide Fresh Expressions, writes: “Follow the threads in this book and you will find encouragement and inspiration for a new future for the Church that Christ will always love, and loves to see constantly changing.”


The Archbishop of York’s Advent Book 2019

Published by: SPCK

Price: £9.99

The Archbishop of York is no stranger to Christians. This year he has taken the theme of St Paul’s encouragement to the Christians of Rome as the basis of a special Advent book to assist with preparation for the season as the Church’s own ‘new year’ begins.

Perhaps the best assessment of the paperback comes in a foreword from Oliver O’Donovan, Professor Emeritus of Christian Ethics and Practical Theology at the University of Edinburgh. He describes the work as a ‘book of ‘formation’, adding: ‘It is very simple to read through, but difficult to read well.’

The book is not targeting ministers or lay preachers, but rather anyone with an interest in walking the Advent journey.

Each Sunday begins with a collect and Sentamu’s own interpretation, followed by a passage of scripture, prayer and reflection. The book is designed to enable readers to journey through each day of Advent by reading only a few pages, allowing time for reflection and a pause for thought amidst the busyness of the preparations for the season.

Warm endorsement for the book has come from Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Archibshop of Westminister, who describes it as ‘a book full of insight an anecdote, gracefully combined to both engage us and lead us forward in our life’s pilgrimage with Jesus.’

Lynne McNeil

This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work