Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

5 mins


\More than 20 members of the Church of Scotland Guilds of Carntyne in Glasgow and Glenkens Churches in Dumfries and Galloway celebrated more than 20 years of friendship with a special lunch in Troon.

Joan Walker explained: “The Guilds joined in linkage in the early 1990s, when we were Balmaclellan & Kells and High Carntyne Guilds. Since then Balmaclellan & Kells have joined with Dalry to form Glenkens Churches Guild and High Carntyne Parish Church Guild after a union with South Carntyne became Carntyne Parish Church Guild.

“It is interesting to note that shortly after our Guilds joined together the Churches of Balmaclellan, Kells and Dalry also united to form one congregation.

“The Guilds have kept closely in touch over the years – probably more than most Guilds.” The group, which celebrates together every year, met at the Piersland Hotel in Troon on July 24 after a short walk. They have met every year but one during the 24-year linkage and plan to invite two other linked Guilds to join them in future.

Life and Work staffare available for talks to Guilds and other church groups.

Please contact us through 0131 225 5722 or

This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work