Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

3 mins


August 2019 marked the 10th year that Messy Church has been happening in Portobello and Joppa, and it also marked the 5th anniversary of the merged congregation worshipping together at Portobello and Joppa Parish Church. To celebrate both of these anniversaries, the entire congregation (9:30am worship, 11am worship and Messy Church) took part in a Messy Church takeover of Sunday Worship on September 1.

Starting in the church with a celebration time (gathering and worship), the congregation then went to the halls and church grounds for activities (crafts, prayer activities, gardening, games, and even a sermon option), before gathering again in the main hall for a soup and sandwich lunch.

This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work