Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

3 mins


A garden party held by St John’s and Dairsie United Parish Church, Cupar, raised over £500 for Syrian refugees living in Fife.

Around 40 church members and friends, joined by Cupar Pipe Band, saw a display of drawings by refugee children stuck in camps In Lebanon. One member also spoke of his harrowing experience working for two weekends in the ‘jungle’ refugee camp at Calais.

The newly arrived minister at St John’s and Dairsie, the Rev Gavin Black, said: “We need to recall that Jesus himself was a refugee. I am proud that the Church I have been called to is so outward looking and caring”.

The funds raised will go to Fife Migrants Forum to help establish a Women’s Group among the 150 Syrian refugees already in Fife.

This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work