Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

5 mins


A new resource, aimed at deepening a culture of discipleship has been launched by the Church of Scotland’s Mission and Discipleship Council.

Every Kirk Session within the Church has received a copy and are being encouraged to develop the habit of talking about the journey of faith.

Ron Clarke, Congregational Learning Team Leader with the Mission and Discipleship Council explained: “The Council has recently begun a fresh approach to supporting congregations to create and deepen a culture of discipleship, and it believes that a good starting point is to simply stimulate discussions about discipleship.

“The Council has already produced two well-received conversation starters, ‘Conversations in Worship’ and ‘Conversations in Prayer’ and we recognised the potential for developing something similar: ‘Conversations in Discipleship’.

“Following a process of piloting, copies have recently been sent to each kirk session for use by those who wish to facilitate such discussions. We look forward to hearing how discipleship conversations unfold.”

This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2019 Issue of Life and Work