UNION SERVICE | Pocketmags.com
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

6 mins


A special service was celebrated at Kirriemuir: St Andrew’s on June 30 marking the union of the church with The Glens and Kirriemuir Old Parish Church to form the new The Glens and Kirriemuir United Parish Church.

Oathlaw Tannadice, previously linked with St Andrew’s, ‘relinked’ with the united charge.

Both charges are part of the West Angus Area Ministry, where an area team ministry has operated for many years. WAAM is also a participant in the Hub-style Ministry Pilot Project. This close working relationship over the years made the emotional decision to unite a little easier, and was part of the overall reshaping of WAAM as it responds to the changing shape of the Kirk nationally, and locally.

Following the Presbytery service of Union and Linkage the previous Thursday, this was to be the last service in the church as it met in advance of having its first united service later that morning. The service was all the more poignant as long service certificates were presented to a number of elders. Totalling 212 years, the certificates were presented to Jim Hardie (44 years), Jock Kerr (52), Wendy Smeaton (31), Muriel Farquharson (31), and Bill Wells (54). Following the service, the congregation made their way to the (now former) Old Parish, where the congregations gathered outside before going in as the new united congregation.

This article appears in the October 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2019 Issue of Life and Work