Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

9 mins


A new online resource for Christians involved in education in Scotland has been launched.

The Christian Values in in Education Scotland website,, off ers support for school chaplains and Christian teachers and staff, and classroom materials for students.

CVE Scotland is a charity whose trustees and volunteers come from a range of denominations, which says it is ‘passionate about every pupil in Scotland’s schools having an engaging, inspiring encounter with the Christian faith’. It both produces its own resources and signposts to other organisations.

The website has been based around three key needs identified by the charity: ‘school chaplains and churches need support’; ‘Christian teachers and school staff need to feel they’re not an endangered species’; and ‘Children and young people urgently need classroom resources on what our faith is about’.

It includes case studies, ideas and advice on sharing faith, resources for Religious Observance/Time for Refiection assemblies, and ‘ready to use’ materials for teachers ‘to help pupils develop their own curiosity and understanding about Christianity.

CVE Scotland vice-chair, Megan Patterson, said: “We already provide face-to-face training and networking, based on three key needs, for hundreds of Christian chaplains, teachers and parents, from the Borders to Shetland, from Glasgow to Stornoway. Now you can unlock all these approaches right in your classroom or in your study.”

Among the organisation’s supporters and partners are Evangelical Alliance Scotland, British Youth for Christ and Scripture Union (SU) Scotland. Andy Bathgate, CEO of SU Scotland, said: “Right now we need a renewed confidence among teachers and others working in schools that the Christian faith has a valid place in education. That’s why SU Scotland is enthusiastically part of the Christian Values in Education Scotland project.” 

This article appears in the October 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2019 Issue of Life and Work