REVIEW0053 |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

28 mins



Images and Words Inspired by Sorley MacLean

Images and Words by: Alastair Jackson and Kenneth Steven

Published by: Saint Andrew Press

Price: £10.99

Combining evocative words and beautiful black and white images is a winning combination.

The spiritually rooted poetry of Kenneth Steven and the moody photographs of Alastair Jackson both draw their inspiration from the Scottish Gaelic poet Sorley MacLean. The book is the fruits of a successful partnership exhibition in St Andrews and Portree – when the idea of a joint publication was first floated.

This is a lovely book to simply browse, stopping where an image or words catches the eye – and the imagination.

Kenneth Steven is no stranger to regular Life and Work readers and his carefully crafted words do not fail to disappoint. The images enhance the words – and vice versa.

The book is rooted in spirituality in both words and pictures but also captures the nature of life – and the everchanging seasons of Hebridean life – and perhaps importantly, the spiritual dimension and inspriding beauty of these islands.

In a foreword, photographer Cailean Maclean writes: ‘This book was inspired by the work of Sorley MacLean. Who can know what Sorley would have thought of The Spirit of The Hebrides, but I believe that he would be pleased that his inspiration has led to so satisfying a publication.’


Christian Living That Doesn’ Cost The Earth

Written by: Ruth Valerio

Published by: SPCK

Price: £8.99

This is possibly the first review copy of a book that has crossed the Life and Work desk that promises to have off set publication with ‘Climate Stewards who support tree planting and other carbon mitigation projects in Uganda, Ghana and Mexico’ and places great emphasis on the use of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) sourced paper. (For reader information Life and Work is printed on paper with FSC status).

The credentials of the author are second to none: Ruth Valerio, who is now director of Global Advocacy and Influencing for Tearfund, worked of the Christian charity A Rocha for many years, when the book was first written. A Rocha, a global charity, combines hands-on practical conservation with a deeply rooted biblical faith.

The book, although updated, has not lost its core purpose and at heart is a book to living better and more sustainable lives. It is simply arranged as an A to Z explaining why we need to change to better appreciate and protect the world that has been gifted to us – but in a hugely practical way.

Each of the 26 chapters – from Activists to Zeitgist – off ers a thoughtful, but practical reflection on how we can make changes in small simple ways to make a diff erence and, most importantly, articulates why we need to make a diff erence. Chapters end with suggested action points, which strive to make changes but in simple bite-sized chunks to make change easier and less threatening.

The author is at pains to emphasise the book is based on her personal experience – but is also emphatic that she does not live a privileged life, but rather lives on a social housing estate seeking to struggle with supermarket shopping.

In encouraging readers to engage with the book, she writes: ‘Lots of this book I am living already, and I hope I am an encouraging example of the fact that it can be done despite a busy and very full-on life.’ Whilst she seeks to encourage readers to be ethical in their lives, she also strives to develop their questioning skills and awareness of bigger global issues that could be impacted by their daily behaviour and encourages everyone to learn more in raising awareness. It is a fascinating and encouraging guide to modern and ethical living.


Published by: SPCK

Price: £25

Sister Wendy Beckett, a Carmelite nun and art historian, was catapulted to fame in the 1990s when she presented a series of BBC documentaries on the history of painting.

She was the author of more than 30 books covering art and faith. Before her death at the age of 88 in December 2018 she was working with the publisher SPCK on an anthology of her all-time favourite paintings. The fruits of this collaboration were completed after her death and the result is a beautiful hardback bringing together her favourite paintings from the 6th to the 20th century.

Each is painting is beautifully reproduced and accompanied by a narrative by Sister Wendy which brings to life the background and demonstrates her expertise in art history in explaining the context and work of each artist.

Whilst many of the paintings are profoundly religious – some are not – but her insights into each work make her final work a fitting legacy to her popularisation of this valuable area of the arts by an author hailed by The New York Times in 1997 as ‘the most unlikely and famous art critic in the history of television.’


Poems for Prayer and Reflection

Written by: Lyn McCrave

Published by: Sacristy Press

Price: £8.99

This slim volume of poetry is written by a retired doctor with a deep spirituality inspired by the Ignatian tradition, who seeks to find God in all things.

Originally from Liverpool, she has lived in Scotland for nearly 50 years. The words are stark at times as the journey of life – both joy and sadness – is explored along with relationships and aspects of God.

Poetry lovers will appreciate the starkness and brevity of the words, whilst medics, nurses and those employed in the caring profession will appreciate many of the observations encountered on their professional journeys.

Lynne McNeil

This article appears in the September 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the September 2019 Issue of Life and Work