Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Kinross Parish Church received a visual history book of its group ‘All Friends Together’, which is affiliated to Prospects Across Scotland. Prospects believes that ‘a church which is more accessible for people with learning disabilities is more accessible for everyone’.

The book was handed over by its creators, Lindsay Cant and Anne Sutherland, to the Rev Alan D Reid at a service to mark Learning Disability Week.

Lindsay Cant said: “We meet monthly in Kinross Parish Church to sing, hear Bible stories (sometimes with the help of puppets, props or music), enjoy a fellowship meal and, generally, have a lot of fun.”

The group counts on a team of volunteers and the support of three local ministers. Anne Sutherland said: “The new book will help spread the word around churches in Kinross-shire and beyond. Several of the other Prospects groups in Scotland are interested in seeing the completed book, and perhaps developing something similar for their own group.”

You can contact Anne about developing your own book at For general information about Prospects visit

This article appears in the August 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the August 2019 Issue of Life and Work