WALK WITH THE WORD | Pocketmags.com
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

11 mins


A guided walk with a difference will take place in Hamilton this summer, using storytelling and drama to tell the story of Moses and the Israelites in the desert. The walk is the i rst in an annual series of events entitled Walk With the Word, in which participants will have the opportunity to walk with well-known bible characters and discover more of the journey. It is an initiative of Drama Kirk, a Fresh Expression which aims to bring scripture to life in new and engaging ways.

The inaugural walk, of which there will be three performances on Saturday August 10, will focus on the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years.

Liz Blackman, who is leading the work, said: “Our walk will start with the parting of the Red Sea and end with Moses commissioning Joshua to lead the people. This is a part of the Bible that has rarely been dramatised. Many movies spend a great deal of time on the plagues and then arrive quickly at the Promised Land, so – if you’ll forgive the pun – we are walking new ground with this project. Through the walk we see relationships develop – between Moses and the people; and between Moses and God. It’s a wonderful journey of faith and leadership. Both develop along the way – and both face setbacks”.

The group have even built an Ark of the Covenant to go ahead of them on the walk, using what is believed to be the right dimensions. The Rev Ross Blackman, minister at Hamilton Old Parish Church, said: “It’s been some years since I’ve been a joiner, but those skills have certainly come in handy now. Not something I expected to be doing when I learned my trade – or when I came to ministry!”

Funded by Go For It, Drama Kirk is an initiative of Hamilton Old but brings together many churches in the area. Their work to date has included three passion plays, a community nativity, an interactive Bible study series and some smaller scale dramatisations. Feedback demonstrates that many find this way of engaging with scripture very memorable, deepening their understanding of the events and the people in scripture.

Future Walk With the Word events will focus on the journeys of Jesus and Paul.

The event will last an hour and the walk is less than a mile but does include one steep hill. It takes place on Saturday August 10 at 10am, noon and 3pm. Tickets are free and are available through www.eventbrite.co.uk

This article appears in the August 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the August 2019 Issue of Life and Work