Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

3 mins


The bell tower of St Cuthbert’s Church in Edinburgh became the first tower in Scotland to reach 250 peals in April.

The St Cuthbert’s change ringers chose Belfry Sunday, April 28, to reach the landmark. The team of 10 led by Tower Captain Susan Bryce took just over three hours to complete the peal.

A peal, in its modern definition, is a specific type of performance in change ringing including at least 5000 changes in the order in which the bells are rung. The changes are called from memory, no breaks are allowed and each bell is rung continuously by the same person or people.

The bells at St Cuthbert’s were first pealed in 1902.

This article appears in the July 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the July 2019 Issue of Life and Work