Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

8 mins


Photo: Unsplash

I praise you my mighty and awesome God.

Three in one: Creator, Saviour, Spirit.

You made all that is, you walk with me, you are with me in every moment.

My mind cannot grasp nor my heart understand the wonder that is you.

I praise you for the majesty that is your creation, surrounded by life in myriad forms. Worlds beyond my sight. Deep beneath the rolling waters of the seas, high in the mountains that disappear into the mists above me, hidden in the folds of the earth. Life large and small, eco systems reliant on each other.

You are a great and magnificent God; yet also the God who knows me personally.

Your love for me transcends anything I can explain.

You know what sparks my imagination, gets my attention, makes me smile.

I praise and thank you for the moments when I realise how well you know me, how much you love me, how much you want to be part of my life, for those times when you connect with me in the everyday life that is mine, for the personal experiences when I simply feel your presence, when you stop me in my tracks, make me smile inside and out.

Those moments when you touch my life in the unexpected word that is meaningful only to me, the coincidence of patterns that I alone see as special; for ‘that’ music playing at just the right time; when I see for the first time what has always been; those times when you surprise me and you smile with me, delighting in that moment of recognition and connection.

Lord, my God, magnificent and awesome, you know me totally. You come by my side and let me know you are there, with me.

I thank you, I praise you


This article appears in the June 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the June 2019 Issue of Life and Work