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Diaconate spotlight

THE work of the diaconate will be under the spotlight from June 19 to 24 when Edinburgh plays host to the Diakonia Region Africa and Europe conference.

The coming together of deacons and deaconesses from throughout these regions is only held every four years, and is a chance for them to get together, talk and support each other.

Marion Stewart is President of the Diaconal Council for the Church of Scotland. “The deacons of the Church of Scotland are part of DRAE (Diakonia Region Africa Europe) which came into being at Stirling in 1994”, she said.

“The DIAKONIA World Federation was established in 1947. As Europe divided in post war, deacons sought to forge a way of working and sharing ecumenically across the world.

“As the federation developed and grew across the world, three regions were established. In 1994 in Stirling the European and African members met together for the inauguration of DRAE (DIAKONIA region Africa, Europe). The other regions DAP (DIAKONIA Asia, Pacific) and DOTAC (DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean) soon followed. The regional meetings occur every four years and we meet all together as a world federation every four years. This year the regions meet in Scotland, Fiji and Canada. The next world assembly is in Australia in 2021.”

“The 2019 DRAE conference is special as it will mark 25 years since the inauguration of DRAE So much has happened in the intervening years. As we celebrate coming together, we are also aware of the many divisions and heartaches in the world.

With the theme ‘For Such A Time A This’ (Esther 4:14) we will gather to share our hopes and dreams for Diaconal Ministry; renew friendships and forge new ones; have our vision for the world enlarged and unite our hearts in prayer.

It is also special because the Rev John L Bell will be leading the Bible studies, as well as other parts throughout the Assembly. John was part of the first DRAE Assembly and we are delighted that he will return ‘by popular request’!

“They will come from across Europe and Africa representing a variety of church traditions as well as Diaconal Communities across Europe and Africa.

Through the Church of Scotland’s Faithshare programme two deaconesses from Zambia will be able to attend.

The World Assembly President, Sandy Boyce will be there from Australia along with some folks from USA, who are members of the World DIAKONIA Executive.”

But it won’t be all business, Marion insists. “Displays from some of the Councils of the Church of Scotland will be highlighted as well as other Christian Groups working in Scotland.

“There will be a variety of interest groups to choose from as well as opportunities to ‘taste and see that Scotland is good’ – time spent sight-seeing in Edinburgh or an ice cream in Musselburgh, with perhaps a Tunnock’s Tea Cake or Caramel Wafer and some Irn Bru along the way!

“On the Sunday we will join the congregation of Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh and also have a bus tour around the city as well.”

This article appears in the June 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the June 2019 Issue of Life and Work