Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

9 mins


Eternal God, we ask for your blessing on the General Assembly, meeting in Edinburgh this month. Be with those in the Church offices who carry the heavy burden of responsibility, not only for planning the Assembly, but for the on-going life and well-being of our national church. May those who journey to the Assembly, go with an openness of mind and spirit. May they be enriched by the smiles, faith and insights of those they meet from other parishes and walks of life. May new friendships be formed and others deepened.

In the Assembly worship may they be conscious of Christ among them. May those whose faith and vision is strong, share with those who often pray, “Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief.”

May the debates help commissioners discern more clearly our church’s strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Inspire them to rededicate their lives to enriching the life and work of their own congregation, to gladdening the hearts of those in their parish who are confused, burdened with grief, lonely or ill.

Remind them and us, that the Church of Scotland is in the world to serve the world, and that all who belong to the Kirk, belong also to the world church, and that if the church anywhere suffers, we should do what we can to ease the pain.

Father you have often revived your church in the past. We pray that you will renew and reform her once more. In our world where everything is changing fast around us, where many are anxious about the future, refocus our church priorities. Never let us lose faith that, with your help and guidance, change for the better is possible in the life of the church and the life of the world.

Help us all to pray for what is right, search for what is right, and do what is right. In our homes and churches may we live and care as people who have seen your glory in the face of Jesus Christ. For his name’s sake we ask it.


Credit: Derek Fett Photography

This article appears in the May 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the May 2019 Issue of Life and Work