Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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An embroidery group at Meldrum and Bourtie Parish Church in Aberdeenshire has completed a project illustrating the story of a local saint.

St Nathallan (or Nechtan) founded three church communities and was the abbot of a monastery called Nir, all in north east Scotland. He is said to have been a farmer who lost his faith and blamed God after his crops failed. In penance he shackled his hand with a padlock and threw the key into a river before making a pilgrimage to Rome. There, having prayed for forgiveness, he bought a fish and found the key in his belly.

Nine scenes from the saint’s life were produced by the group.

The work was dedicated at a service on January 6. Minister, the Rev Alison Janney said: “Our saint was a faithful farmer and a hopeful sower of the seed of the Gospel. We can aspire to continue his tasks and keep our faith no matter how it is challenged by circumstance and to give our lives to the service of God in this place.”

Pictured: two of the embroidery panels depicting the story of Nechtan. Top: Lorna Reid’s depiction of the voyage. Bottom: Nechtan in the Roman market, by Ellie Ingram.


A Midlothian church has re-opened after a £450,000 refurbishment to transform it into a community hub.

The interior of Mayfield and Easthouses Church has been modernised to create a versatile and flexible space suitable for a wide range of uses, and a community café with children’s play area and charity shop.


At Cromar Church, Tarland, in the Presbytery of Kincardine and Deeside, long service certificates were presented by the minister, the Rev Frank Ribbons, to elders (from left) John Halkett (35 years), Sheila Robertson (41), George Robertson (40) and Ed Anderson (45).

This picture appeared with the wrong text in last month’s magazine. Apologies for the error.


The Moderator of the General Assembly, the Rt Rev Susan Brown, preached at Portknockie Parish Church’s 150th anniversary service on Sunday January 27. She is pictured with locum Murray Campbell and session clerk Morag Ritchie.


Elizabeth (Betty) Paxton celebrated her 106th birthday on December 30 at North Argyll House, Oban.

Betty was born into a large farming family at Craignish, Mid Argyll. She married a mining engineer, Bill Paxton, and they lived in Burma until they had to escape at the outbreak of World War 2. After the war they moved to Kenya, where Bill sadly died in a mining accident. Returning to Scotland with their three children, Betty ran a bed and breakfast in Oban.

Betty was a regular worshipper at the former Christ’s Church, Oban, and among her well-wishers was the Rev Dugald Cameron of Oban Parish Church, who off ered his congratulations, card and gifts and the best wishes of her former congregation, and the Kirk Session.

Betty is pictured with Mr Cameron, Councillor Roddy McCuish, Depute Provost of Argyll and Bute, and Councillor Elaine Robertson.


Kinross Parish Church had a multiple celebration during morning worship.

Stuart Neave was ordained as a new elder and he and Alan McGhie were admitted to the Kirk Session. The service also included the acknowledgement and celebration of the Rev Alan Reid’s 10 years as the kirk’s minister and Norman White’s 40 years as an elder. In addition, a certificate was presented to Lynn Caldwell, leader of the Junior Church, who has been approved as a Safeguarding trainer for the Presbytery of Perth. Also celebrated was the service of the Rev Cliff ord Kelly, who was ordained over 60 years ago.

Pictured from left: Alan McGhie, Norman White, the Rev Alan Reid, Lynn Caldwell, the Rev Cliff ord Kelly, Stuart Neave.


Longside Parish Church, in the Presbytery of Buchan, handed over a cheque for nearly £2000 to representatives from Benaiah, a drugs rehabilitation centre for women run by Teen Challenge North East Scotland. This was the proceeds of their Christmas concert, Christmas off ering, a ceilidh, Monday coff ee mornings and craft stall.

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This article appears in the April 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the April 2019 Issue of Life and Work