Walking together with the Guild | Pocketmags.com
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Life & Work Magazine

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Walking together with the Guild

A DAY of celebration bringing together young and old is being launched this month by the Church of Scotland Guild. Working in partnership with the wider Church, the Boys’ Brigade and the Girls’ Brigade and embracing the theme of ‘Walking Together’, adopted by the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 2018/19, the ‘BIG Footprint’ will take place on Easter Saturday, April 20.

The Guild, which has a long and proud legacy of intergenerational working, hopes the project will demonstrate the vibrant ‘footprint of faith’ which already exists in local communities and to highlight the visible and active presence of churches at a time of special significance for all Christians.

Guild National Convener, Patricia Robertson explained: “Week in week out, the Church, the Guild, BB and GB undertake incredible work with individuals, groups and the wider community. But so often, we are not seen and we are not heard.

“The BIG Footprint is a chance for the Church of Scotland Guild, the Boys’ Brigade (BB) Girls’ Brigade Scotland (GB) and wider church to come to together to show how much we are at the heart of local communities.”

She added: “The BIG Footprint follows in the footsteps of the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland Rt Rev Susan Brown, whose moderatorial theme has focused on walking together. During her year in the role, Susan is highlighting the many different benefits of getting out and walking more.”

The project is, however, not dependent on having a Guild, BB or GB company. Organisers are emphatic that congregations can join the day of celebration simply to raise the profile of the church in local communities.

‘Hub’ events marking the day have been planned for Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee, but local celebrations already planned include:

• Congregrations, BB and GB companies and Guild groups walking from one church to another

• Reflective walks

• Treasure and scavenger hunts

• Fun run

• Baking in preparation for the day

Urging Guilds and local churches to embrace the project Patricia added: “The Guild is delighted to share in the ‘Big Footprint’ with the Moderator, the Girls’ Brigade and the Boys’ Brigade. This is another step in the Guild’s long tradition of working with young people and I hope that as many Guilds as possible will join in this event, in every sense sharing a journey with young people. “

Those taking part will be encouraged to upload images on social media using the hashtag #bigfootprint19.

Furtherinformationisavailableatwww.churchofscotland.org.uk/bigfootprint or from the respective Guild (at 121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH24YN, tel 0131-225 5722), BB and GB offices.

This article appears in the April 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the April 2019 Issue of Life and Work