Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

6 mins


Photo: Unsplash


in this waiting time.

Beyond, the glimmer of Christmas.

Behind, the glamour of New Year.

Passed, the epiphany of the Magi.

Packed away in boxes of tissue,

the suspirations of the shepherds

are silent now, askew the angel

safely swaddled by the balsa wood baby.


winter’s last blast chills and shivers

leaving us fearful in the darklins.

For why and whom do we now wait?

Your Son is born and lives, with-us-now


Furth of the February ireside,

in the land of mountains and sea

the streams welter and wonder.

In the hazel and the pine woods

The stores of the rory futterett* diminish

For all is in lux, ancient rites

no longer cloud our brows

stilling the hands of the conquistadors.

Candlemass creeps in.


our posturing and power games

our divisions and discriminations

lift us from the slough of fear

and faithlessness and grant us,


That in this poverty of days

Love will pierce the darkness

ofering hope that will Spring into


towards Easter again

in every heart and hearth

through every nation

across the world

and into eternity.


*red squirrel

This article appears in the February 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the February 2019 Issue of Life and Work