LONG SERVICE | Pocketmags.com
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

4 mins


Fourteen elders from Helensburgh Parish Church were recognised for their many years of service during worship on November 4. Together, they have achieved 467 years of service to the various congregations with which they have been involved over the years. The Very Rev John Christie, former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, preached at the service before presenting the elders with their long service certiicates.

They are Douglas Bailey (33 years), Jean Butler (30), John Christie (37), Kathleen Gorrie (30), Ewan Howieson (33 – not present), Michael Louden (30), Neil MacLeod (30), John McPherson (33), David Mitchell (33), Graham Philips (35), Douglas Sammon (45), David Sinclair (37), James Weldon (31) and Gordon Whitelaw (30). The elders are pictured with Mr Christie and minister, the Rev David T Young.

This article appears in the February 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the February 2019 Issue of Life and Work