Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Staf members from the Bungalow at the Scottish Care National Care Home Awards

A CrossReach care home for adults with learning disabilities has won a major award. The Bungalow, in Stonehaven near Aberdeen, was named Specialist Service/ Unit of the Year at the Scottish Care National Care Home Awards in November.

The Bungalow is a long-term residential service catering for ive people with profound learning and physical disabilities. This is the second time it has been successful in the Scottish Care Awards, having won the Specialist Adult Care category in 2013.

A CrossReach spokesperson said: “We are delighted that The Bungalow was chosen as the winner of the Specialist Service/ Unit Category in the Scottish Care, National Care Home Awards 2018. This is a testament to the service’s leadership and team.

“The Bungalow is a hidden gem of Crossreach up in Stonehaven. Professionally it is known as being a well-respected specialist residential learning disability service that follows a social model of care and concentrates on making a positive diference to the lives of the ive individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities who live there, as well as making a diference to their extended families.

“The service is centrally located in Stonehaven around what can be accessed locally, so the service users can have the same opportunities as other people when their needs have gone beyond the remit of their family carers.

“Although a residential model, care and support is individually tailored to people’s needs, using person-centred approaches ofered by an enthusiastic and dedicated staf team who have a wide range of knowledge, experience and excellence in the ield.

“The staf team understand that having a profound learning disability is not an illness but a signiicant lifelong condition that has afected all aspects of our service users’ development resulting in them being unable to function independently in society or communicate with other people. There is a culture where the staf team see the person, not the disability, and they are committed daily to utilising service users’ time meaningfully.”

CrossReach is the operating name for the Social Care Council of the Church of Scotland.

This article appears in the February 2019 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the February 2019 Issue of Life and Work